Monday 9 April 2012

'' just think for a second ''

----> how far we know bout d mean of a fren?? smua org ad pndapat msg2...certain people say dat, kte bkn kwn kalo x tolong antra 1 same len terutama skali kalo tolong tyme kte ssh...bak kate org, kwn ketawa sng dcari, kwn mnangis x tau lg..
tp sbnrnye tolong ap??? tolong 2 ad byk mksud..mcm2 yg kte bleh ckp...kte amik cntoh dlm campus kte tlong kwn kte sgnature 4 his or her attendant...2 pun bleh d assume as tolong jgak kan..either than dat, mcm kte borrow asingmnt kwn kte n just copy it..huhu (i did it sometymes but not just copy it..i try 2 understand it n make by my own...i just wanna know the flow 2 do it)..hehehe....cume, kte x tau either i2 ke yg dperlukan oleh seorg kwn?? i2 ke yg kte kena wat utk bkawan?? kalo x wat bkan kwn ker??? hmmm....

jus tke an example..let we talk about a blind man who want to cross a road..what act dat he need?? n i gve u 2 choice either giving him a walking stick or help him to cross d road....i think most of u must say dat u will help him 2 cross d's true dat we need 2 help him...b a nice person....cian tengok pak cik 2 t..but 4 me, give him a walking stick is a best way 2 help dat u ever think dat if we help him to cross d road, what we have done is just helping him 4 just for can he cross d road if no one there?? n if no person wanna help him.....can he cross d road safely?? meby yes n meby not....btul x?? but, what happen if we gve him a walking stick??? atleast, he can stand on his feet when we r not around...b independent...he can control of his life n not just depends on other person..n dat fren for..

what i can say dat, kalo btul dier kwn kte, she or he 
should lead us 2 d right way...bantu kte utk jd yg lbih d same tyme, kte jga akn bntu dier utk jd lbh it good?? is really good..x guna bkawan kalo x pndai jge kwn kan???

meby org prnh ckp yg ak ni memilih kwn...x bgaul ngan smua org...hmm..its totally wrong....i'm ok wif other..but 4 me, x smua org yg kte bleh assume as a fren...n as a fren, kte x bleh la manjakan sgt kwn kte..hehehe...dont let them bgantung sgt pada kte..just imagine...ap jadi pd dier t if kte dah x ad lg...smpai ble kte bleh tolong dier?? msg2 akn ad life sndri..n d campus life is not d same as life kat luar sana..we need 2 survive it alone..yes..i admit..we need frens..fren who alwiz b there 4 us x kre ssh atau sng...bntu semampu yg bleh...but yg len2, we need 2 make it by our own...

so, 4 all of my fren..thanks 4 ur support..i really need u all 2 b my back..thank u 4 being 1...
i luv my fren...n i hope u 2...

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